Friday, February 1, 2013


Well, this week has been crazy. Aside from battling procrastination (which is an hourly battle, let me tell you...) I have had to do school, been doing some side jobs, and have been busy doing regular work too! Hehe! It's all good. I like to be busy. It's tiring, but I figure I'll sleep when I'm dead. I'm also sort of not excited about today's challenge, but here it is:

Day 2 - Least Favorite Book in the Series

Book 2 for sure (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets). I have never liked book 2 as much as I like the others. I can't really put my finger on why. It is just...not my favorite at all.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I have an awesome wedding to go to, and it's exciting. :) Anyway, have a great weekend and I'll see you on the flippity flop!

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