Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Good times

I think its about time to write a blog about my family.

My family is EXTREMELY awesome. Some would say borderline amazing... but awesome is a better word for us. We were raised by both parents, and they are still going strong after... wow. 30 years this March.

Growing up was an adventure for me, because I had two older brothers, and a younger brother. I was a VERY obstinate child. Everything had to be done MY way, or I wasn't going to be involved. Funny enough it it still sort of that way, but people do it my way now, because I usually do it the easiest and most fun way possible. lol.

Anyway, back to history, my oldest brother was always trying to get me to do things his way, which needless to say, made for a lot of fighting, and we do FIGHT a lot. Well, I guess I should rephrase that. We USED to fight a lot. Now that we're older its more like bickering. lol. But we are a loud, fighting, bickering family, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I really believe in the old adage that 'You don't truly know someone until you fight them.' Truer words have never been spoken. On to the family.

My dad is a hard working upstanding guy. He has been an electrician most of his life, and has done very well for himself in the way of his career. He is caring and funny, and works hard for his family. When I think of my dad I think of a big bear. He can be grouchy at times, but underneath it all he is a soft and cuddly guy. :) He doesn't sugarcoat things, which I'm grateful for, because I can always depend on him to tell me the truth. Sometimes, its a harder truth than I'm willing to take, but I love him anyway. :) He taught me to sing, to perform, to strive to be the best, and to forgive. I am nothing without my dad, and I am a daddy's girl to the core.

My mom is one of the smartest people I know. Especially when it comes to church related stuff. If I ever have a question about anything, I go to her because she is so amazingly smart. I think of she went on Jeopardy, she would win BIG MONEY. Seriously. :) She is the center of the family, and keeps us on speaking terms. ;) She is a great cook, baker, money management person, etc. What can I say about my mom other than she is the woman I aspire to be??? I can't imagine anyone that could be a better mother and friend to me. She knows me inside and out. And even though we don't get along sometimes (have you ever heard of too many hens in the hen house? lol) I know that she is always there for me. When I think of my mom, I think of an owl, because she is wise. :)

My oldEST brother, Adam. Adam is almost just like my dad. he's easy going and smart. He has made a lot of sacrifices for me and my brothers, and I'm eternally grateful to him. If I had to describe him as an animal, he would be a panda. Super chill, and just a great guy to hang out with. He has a great personality. :) I know he and I have taken our lumps, but I think we are the most alike. He always supports me and pushes me to be better than I am. BUT he understands when I take a fall, and helps to lift me up.

My oldER brother Josh is the most different personality wise from all of us. I say that because he has always gone his own way. He forged his way through life, and, I think, has come out on top. Josh is a really sensitive guy. That sensitivity, however, makes him really adept at music. I think music is the best way to relate to him, because he is the perfomer of the family. Everything he does, he excels at. AND if he doesn't get it, he works at it until he does. He is the epitome of the phrase 'practice makes perfect.' He is a perfectionist. When I think of Josh, I think of an elephant. He not only is strong and smart, but he does his own thing, and doesn't let anything get in his way.

ME. Wow, Karyn... you're putting yourself in??? lol. Yes. Only because I want you to see how I fit in. I call myself the black sheep of the family. I'm the only girl, and I am often the most rebellious. I think if my parents knew more about my life when I was younger, they would have put some restraints on me instead of focusing on the boys, but they didn't. I'm the instigator of the family. I am also the one that likes to call the shots. :) My dad told me once that I'm the artist of the family, and I think he's right. I am a VERY free spirit. I don't know what animal I would be. Maybe a black sheep? lol. Just kidding. Maybe a cat. I do my own thing and don't obey well. he he... IDK, ask my family. I'm sure they can tell you.

And last but not least, Sean. The baby. :) I think I'm the closest to Sean in the way that I helped raise him. Sean is the peacemaker of the family, and as he's grown up has become the coolest person ever. :) He's really chill and likes to kick back. He is also a dedicated and hardworking guy. (lol. all my brothers are) When I think of Sean, I think of a dog. He's loyal, kind, obedient, friendly, cheerful, smart, and everyone loves him. He is really paitent and always know what to say to make me laugh. He's one of my heores and I look up to him. (not only because he's taller than me, but because he's AWESOME!)

I love my family. We can all sing (thanks to my dad) and when we get together, we sing. I think that's what I miss the most. Just sitting with them and singing. Even though I'm here in Utah by myself, I know that I can go back to Hawaii anytime and they'll be there for me.

One of my favorite memories of my family was the last Christmas we spent together. My mom worked so hard to make everyone happy, and we just cruised together and had fun together. Gosh. I miss my family!!!

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