Monday, January 26, 2009

Tired? What?!

Hello all.

Another year has arrived and I find myself wandering aimlessly in the morass that is my life. Some of you may say, what? Why? I thought you had everything worked out... Well, I did. (at one point) However, things have not gone the way that I tried to plan it to. I'm not upset about it, but I get 'cabin fever' easily. I have a hard time committing to... anything, and I get really antsy if I'm in a situation for longer than 2 years. I can hear the puzzled reponse of why formulating in your mind. The simple answer is: I don't know.

I have always been afraid to commit to things. Anything. A lease, a boyfriend, a roommate, school, jobs, marriage, you name it, I can't commit to it. I even make it a point to not commit to things that I'm involved with unless its COMPLETELY planned out to the minute, and I know exactly what my part is, and when I have to play it. Don't believe me? Ask Susi. She can tell you. I probably drive her up the wall with all the planning I make her do. However, my obsessive compulsive behaviors literally guide me to NOT commit to something unless I can gain control over it with order. Everything needs order. I know I sound crazy right now, but I solidly believe that unless order is achieved, the product of whatever you are organizing will not be successfully received. Confused yet??? Let me try to clear it up for you. I got roped into doing a lu'au/ho'olaule'a here in St. George. (a ho'olaule'a is a block party type event). It's organized under the name, Makahiki in St. George. Check it out. Anyway, so we were having to do this, right? However, because I work at the St. George Chamber, getting sponsors, or basically selling anything through the makahiki would be a conflict of interest. So, I have basically done nothing with it. There is so much to plan, and I feel like nothing has been organized at all. Because I can't see past the unorganized parts of the event, I won't go forward with planning until they get worked out. That is the CRAZY way my brain works.

I think that's the up and down with this job right now. I have a structured regimented schedule, and I try to keep to it as much as possible. However, I am also an artist at heart, so I like to have my freedom to do what I will with my designing and everything else I do. So, whenever I get tired of my regime, I can go to the artisic stuff, and when I hit a mental block with the artistic stuff, I can go to the scheduled parts until something hits me. The only thing that sucks is when I feel totally drained but I HAVE to make something up. eh. I'm done with this.

I've been really irrate lately. I think its because I'm stressed out about this event coming up. I feel like everyone expects me to bend my publication deadlines because they can't stay on top of things, but I've decided that I don't care whether or not things are accurate anymore because I can't wait any longer. WHICH stresses me out because it wont be PERFECT. ugh.

I'm tired. Oh. which reminds me. Susi and I are starting a hula class. We'll see how it goes.


Kuulei and Nick said...

I'm sorry Karyn. If I was in Utah I would come down and help you. I think it would be tons of fun! I know that everything you do all ways turn out "perfect" and you are very talented, but you are harsh towards yourself and you are putting too much pressure on your person which is creating this mental block. Just relax a bit and breath and slowly start from the beginning. I definitely know what you mean about not being able to do anything when things are disorganized. I am someone that likes order as well and if something isn't in its proper place I get annoyed and I can't think if there is clutter on the ground. I feel your pain sister! Well I'm sure all will work out I hope you have a great day. I love you!

A Note from Kaleo and Megan said...

Okay Karyn. We need to get together. It is ridiculous that you have lived so close for so long and we never see you. Tell us when and where and we will drop by. And, I agree that your event will be a hit. How could it not with you behind the wheel? Aloha nui loa!

Sara Ann said...

Karyn! I didn't even know you had a blog! I am totally adding you to my blog list now...if that's okay. I have enjoyed reading:) I love your honesty!

leinani45 said...

lol Thanks everyone!!! Megan, we DO need to get together. Sara, yep!! This is me!!! :) Thanks for reading!