Monday, July 16, 2012

Two. :D

I just want to make a general statement. Just because your life has been one way, doesn't mean that everyone else's is that way too. Nothing irritates me more than willful ignorance. Don't judge the people around you because they are different or have different life experiences. You have NO idea what it's like t be in their shoes.

For all of you who have really struggled in life--for all the down-trodden and heart-broken… You don't have to be defined by what has happened to you in the past. You can make your own way. There is always time for change. There is always time for happiness. Don't give up. :)

Anyway. Here is the question/assignment for today:

2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

1. I have arachnophobia. Like for real. It is paralyzing. I think this springs from when I was really little. We had just moved to Hawaii for the first time, and...well...let's just say that I had a lot of negative experiences with bugs. These experiences only worsened when we moved to Utah for the second time. :S

2. I have a fear of trusting people. I think it boils down to the fact that I have very VERY few people I can really rely on. Most people whom I have put my trust in either betray me or leave me. Sometimes it's just easier to not trust someone. Then you never get your heart broken.

3. I have a fear of success. I think this is the worst of them all. Any time I get close to being successful, I self-sabotage. I don't really know where it comes from, but I'm working on it. :) The funny thing is that I am FANTASTIC at helping other people achieve success, but I have a hard time getting it for me. :S

Anyway. I have homework to do. Have a great night!!!

1 comment:

Leonani said...

Huh, I don't think I knew you were so deathly afraid of spee-Iders. ;) Or maybe I just forgot. Probably the latter. You know me. And I think that I have fear number three too. Only, I think I'm just to scared to take the risk to be successful. Oh well. Looks like our living together, again, will be EPIC- this time around. :)