Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kidney Stones and #3

Aloha Everyone!!!

I have been sort of dreading this post because it's about my parents…and I have issues airing out my family stuff for everyone to see/read. I also got kidney stones a week ago, and have been dealing with that little nugget of happiness (no pun intended). But, After thinking about life is my life. I wouldn't be the person I am today without my past. So--here it is. :) Hope everyone is doing swimmingly!

3. Describe your relationship with your parents.

Wow. I have a really complicated relationship with my parents. I love them with all my heart, but it's super complicated.

I have a lot of pent up emotions regarding my relationship with them. Most of my problems didn't surface until I was in high school, and I am still dealing with a lot of anger and emotional scarring. I realize that my parents did the best that they could with what they had, but things were never secure for us. They both ALWAYS worked, and therefore never had time for me. I am also the only girl in a Mormon family, and I think they were so worried about my brothers making right choices and going on their missions that they didn't take a second look at me. I think that is why I went crazy in my teen to early twenties. I went off the deep end. I got into a lot of stuff that I now regret. I wanted my parents to support me, but they were busy trying to make ends meet. I know I shouldn't hold that against them. They were doing the best they could. But the truth is that I resent not being able to have them there for things.

The good news is that I'm working through it. There are a lot of things I could talk about in regards to my parents and me. I am 'stubborn' and 'strong-willed' to put it lightly, so you can imagine that we often would butt heads. Oh well. Everybody has family stuff, right? I can only hope that when I figure all of my issues out that I can talk to them and that they won't be hurt by me finding peace within myself.

I really love my parents. They are pretty much the perfect parents for someone like me. ;) We might have our ups and downs, but I love my family. We are all going to be together forever…and I'm going to do all I can to make sure that happens. :)

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