Monday, April 13, 2009

Equip Yourselves!

Hello All!!!

So, I've noticed that a lot of my blogs are sort of "Gloom & Doom" types. Sort of weird because I perceive myself as a positive and optimistic person... Hmm... Sorry about that. I'll continue to try to be funny and witty in my future blogging. :)

This weekend I took a concealed weapons class. I have been thinking a lot about purchasing a firearm for my personal protection and well being, so when my Uncle told me he was teaching a class this weekend, I took him up on the offer. :) It was a pretty cool class. I like my Uncle a lot, and we get along pretty well, so it was cool to chill with him in his element.

I'm still not sure about the whole "I am willing to take another person's life" aspect of guns, but taking the class REALLY taught me a lot about perceptions of weapons AND why it is important to have the ability to not only to purchase a firearm, but to have the RIGHT to bear arms.

Our constitution CLEARLY states that we have the right to bear arms. This means (for all those who are a little slow on the uptake) that we, as American Citizens, have the right to own a gun for personal and familial protection. I am SO happy I live in the United States of America. This really is a great country. It's sad to see corruption and idiocy... BUT Susi eased my mind somewhat when she reminded me that the Priesthood will save the country. I truly believe that.

Anyways, Overall a good weekend. It was EASTER... which I don't really ever celebrate, but it was fun anyway. I went to the Lafaele's and had pork and chicken and slept on their back porch. It was way fun. :)

Also watched Slumdog Millionaire this weekend. It was a pretty good movie. A little disturbing at some parts, but overall well done. I think it's earned it's rating of 'R' but, it's mostly because of the 'theme.' It's set in the slums of India, so you can use your imagination.

Something I stumbled over this morning... for all you peeps who do not know what this is a cartoon of, Google burqua, and you can educate yourself. :) I hope you ENJOY! :)


Unknown said...

you crack me up. You need to come visit again!! and I love that cartoon! I love that comic strip! (can it be called a strip? It's only one box...)

leinani45 said...

I think it can be classified as a strip! :)