Thursday, January 24, 2013

New Year

Wow. This is incredibly late, but...


Hehe. Better late than never is my motto. ;)

Anyway--how have ya been? Hopefully your New Year has been incredible so far. Mine has been good...there has been foreshadowing for how tough this year will be for me, but I look forward to it. I think I've come to the conclusion that I operate at my best when there is a little adversity going on.

I am turning 29 this year which happens on the 29th of March. People call it your star year or golden year or whatever. I think with all the stress and craziness that I can foresee that something incredible will come of it.

One of my resolutions this year is getting better at journaling my life. I am doing this in a couple of ways: through and actual journal--yes, these still exist; through an app I Kickstarted called 1 Second Everyday; and through this blog.

Last year I feel like I was not as positive as I could have been on this thing. Most of my struggles in the last year have been personal in nature, and I have used this as an outlet for sure. However, THIS YEAR I am planning on taking it to the next level. You all take the time to read what I have to say, so I will make sure that it is fun and quirky...just like I typically am!

Moving right along...

If you know me at all, you know that I love to read. I get VERY involved in the storyline. I don't know if "involved" is really even a strong enough word...but I can't think of anything else yet. So, like Harry Potter... I LOVE Harry Potter. I wish Jo Rowling could write that story forever. It doesn't even have to be books either. Like Dr. Who. I started watching the more recent seasons... I freaking LOVE that show man. Anyway. Harry Potter. I am literally addicted to it. I love it more than life. I am a part of this cool website called Pottermore--which actually perpetuates the story and creates a more robust imaginary world surrounding it (like I needed it)...but yeah. Love it. 

SO--a part of this year is going to be a 30 Day Harry Potter Challenge. :) You guys get to actually see in real life how crazy for the books I am and why. ;) I am pretty serious about it, so there may be philosophical stuff going on... IDK yet. I'm not sure where it will take us, but know this--it will be amazing. I'll start it tomorrow, but here are the days if anyone wants to follow suit:


Day 1 - Favorite Book in the Series

Day 2 - Least Favorite Book in the Series

Day 3 - Favorite Character

Day 4 - Favorite Villain

Day 5 - Saddest Moment

Day 6 - Favorite Professor

Day 7 - Least Favorite Professor

Day 8 - Favorite Subject

Day 9 - Least Favorite Subject

Day 10 - Favorite Shop in Diagon Alley

Day 11 - Most Beautiful Character

Day 12 - Most Missed Dead Character

Day 13 - Favorite Book Cover

Day 14 - Favorite Tri-Wizard Tournament Challenge

Day 15 - Rate the Houses From Most to Least Favorite

Day 16 - Favorite Animagus

Day 17 - Favorite Unforgivable Curse

Day 18 - Favorite Horcrux

Day 19 - Favorite Deathly Hallow

Day 20 - Funniest Moment

Day 21 - Most Emotional Moment

Day 22 - Aspired Quidditch Position

Day 23 - Favorite Patronus

Day 24 - What You Think Your Patronus Would Be

Day 25 - Favorite Dursley

Day 26 - Favorite Wand

Day 27 - Favorite Magical Ability (Animagi Transformation, Metamorphmagi, Parselmouth, Flying, Seer, Appartion and Disapparition, Legilimency and Occlumency, Veela Charm, Magical Resistance)

Day 28 - Favorite Death Eater

Day 29 - Favorite Portrait

Day 30 - Favorite Spell


Unknown said...

I totally just texted you but I'll leave you a comment too because comments are fun to get. ANYWAY, I freaking LOVE Harry Potter! I like can't get enough! I'm so glad I'm not the only one and I'm totally going to do the 30 day challenge with you! I don't know if I should admit this but I'm so glad that Ron and Hermione finally got together! I love that so much and I don't know why. It just makes me so happy. I'm such a dork. Which is why you love me! :P

Ames said...

I like your goal. I should do better with my journaling as well.

I am excited to read all your Harry Potter posts! Ready.....GO!